We carry Stargazer lilies as well as Peruvian lilies. Lilies make a beautiful flower arrangement for any Occasion.
Loving Expression
$54.99 $74.99This precious bouquet of fresh flowers in pretty pink and red emits style as well as harmony. A sincerely delighting touch for any Occasion!
Spring Bouquet
$49.99 $69.99Celebrate with this magnificent spring fresh flower bouquet. Order today!
White Lilies
$89.99 $99.99This flower arrangement of white lilies is simple white, yet elegant and illuminates serenety and happiness, perfect for any celebration.
Stunning Beauty Bouquet
$64.99 $84.99This arrangement of carnations, lilies, astronomers, roses and irises is a vibrant beauty of fresh flowers. Send this bouquet to someone special in your life.
Fragrant Garden Basket
$49.99 $69.99Wonderful flower basket that radiates soulful beauty and will brighten any room with hamony and warmth.
Teddy Bear and Bouquet
$49.99 $69.99Fill someone's heart with warmth and admiration of this adorable teddy bear with assorted fresh flowers.
Traditional Victorian Funeral Bouquet
$199.99 $219.99This beautiful and pure arrangement of white lilies, roses and gladiolas makes for a loving and elegant way to honor and cherish the memory of a treasured friend or loved one.
Come Rain or Come Shine
$50.99 $70.99Brighten anyone's day with this fresh and vibrant bouquet of yellow Asiatic lilies, daisies, alstroemeria and button poms.
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